Dreaming of Sweden and stranger things.

  • One title liked by Granta for my new book is Dreaming of Sweden. Does this explain why, one recent morning, I said in an authoritative tone, as if soothing a nervous diner, We have boiled Lapps; we have stuffed Lapps about ten minutes before I woke up?
  • Rafe drew my attention to this. By the time I got to Love vs masturbation I was shouting with laughter, but I had to stop altogether at List of Conflicts in the Middle East vs. List of Furry Role-playing games because I was laughing so hard I could not breathe. That has to be the right response, doesn’t it?
    Certainly, this game seems to me the complete refutation of John Naughton’s optimism about the wiki project, most recently on display when he is shocked that the site’s history of spreadsheets is grossly inadequate.
  • The most charming geek joke (via the empire)
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