forget to renew their domains — look at Mitch Kapor’s Chandler project. Whois knows nothing of this morning, either.
I’m sorry. I know you have been a good person all your life. I know you have deserved salvation, and — believe Me — God would have taken you to heaven, but it’s just … well, rules are rules; Gabriel forgot to renew the domain, and you have been redirected to spend eternity in a yahoo mailing list about Hugh Jackman instead.
… and now a domain squatter has it. Tough break for the OSA guys.
Am I missing something? That link goes to a page that looks remarkably like the OSAF homeworld…
That’s nice, becasue this morning it was going “here”:
which it is now for me too. Guess someone’s routing table finally caught up with the new reality.
How nasty.
Yet after your first comment, it was going to osafoundation for me. Very odd. I wonder if it was related to the google shenanigans: if someone has found a way seriously to screw up the DNS?