Even code gods

forget to renew their domains — look at Mitch Kapor’s Chandler project. Whois knows nothing of osafoundation.org this morning, either.

I’m sorry. I know you have been a good person all your life. I know you have deserved salvation, and — believe Me — God would have taken you to heaven, but it’s just … well, rules are rules; Gabriel forgot to renew the domain, and you have been redirected to spend eternity in a yahoo mailing list about Hugh Jackman instead.

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5 Responses to Even code gods

  1. Rafe says:

    … and now a domain squatter has it. Tough break for the OSA guys.

  2. Rupert says:

    Am I missing something? That link goes to a page that looks remarkably like the OSAF homeworld…


  3. el Patron says:

    That’s nice, becasue this morning it was going “here”:http://qp.org/

  4. rupert says:

    which it is now for me too. Guess someone’s routing table finally caught up with the new reality.

    How nasty.


  5. el Patron says:

    Yet after your first comment, it was going to osafoundation for me. Very odd. I wonder if it was related to the google shenanigans: if someone has found a way seriously to screw up the DNS?

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