Home again

Well, here we are again, back on Pair, after a two-year excursion to Cornerhost. I have spent all morning reviving a sick database, and making sure that everything works after being moved across the atlantic twice. Do let me know if it does not.

Changing hosts is never a wholly smooth operation; I’m just getting used to the little quirks of Pair again. But this was smoother than I had any right to expect. And, to celebrate, I have prettied up the changeling, and turned the front into one long page.

Coming soon, the long-threatened cuttings blog. I have managed to slurp up 1400 word and OOo documents into a database here. Figuring out which ones should be published,and then doing some minimal cleaning, will take some more time. But after that, everything should be automatic I think there are about 400 ready to go at the moment. I want to get the interesting ones in, too.

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6 Responses to Home again

  1. Rupert says:

    None of the links in the body copy work…


  2. Andrew says:

    Fixed now: I had left something out of the archive path.

  3. Rupert says:

    Is it the end of the panto season yet? No? Good!

    Ooooooh no they’re not!


  4. el Patron says:

    I’m buggered if I understand this. They work everywhere else except in this one post, to which has been prepended some nonsense about my own site.

  5. el Patron says:

    oh this is wonderful (see top link). If I enter lnks by hand using me they don’t work. If I enter them either using textile formatting or offline, they do work. Both look entirely the same in the database. I despair,

  6. el Patron says:

    theywork if entered by hand into comment boxes. It;s a demon, I tell you.

    (after some more thought).
    No. It’s not a demon. It’s extreme stupidity on my part. Memo to self — entering urls in the form “http:www.rotten.com” does not work nohow nowhere.

    time for walkies.

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