Sorry that there have been so few entries on here recently. I am off to Sweden for six weeks in a week’s time, and falling behind with work, In particular, I had to do an interview/profile of Nick Humphrey over the weekend, which was interesting and fun, and am currently preparing an interview with Slavoj Zizek on Friday, which is different.
This involves reading, at the very least, his latest book, and the earlier Conversations with Zizek, from which I can report that by page 77 I have stopped even asking whether what I read is bullshit; I have stopped reading with an eye for answers or reasons or arguments to make. No, I have passed into a state where mere bullshit becomes the negation of bullshit, where pseudery is ultimately the anti-pseud; a state to which the only analogy is the Toronto Blessing. Again and again I find warm billows of laughter shake me in my chair as I read. Do they make sense? Are they an adequate response? What very tediously empirical questions.
I hope to scan in later some of the passages that have reduced — which is to say enlarged — me to this state.
To Lapland or thereabouts, I suppose. It would be fun to have a fika or something if you stop by in Stockholm.