So I’m smug

But this horrendous burst of redesigning, which culminated in the rolling, changing subtitle under the new logo, made me feel, for a moment or two, that I actually knew what the hell was going on with MT.
The only hassle is that I must now replace with sober
all the stuff I had exuberantly classed as <span class=”loony”>, or sort it into my new class, sane. Coming soon, world domination: at least I think it ought to be possible to republish all my old articles as another blog, which would make them automatically searchable, and let me use fun plugins like the “more like this from google search” one. It seems logical that I should be able to use the customer as the category, and so have automatic indexes showing everything I have done for the Guardian or whatever.
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4 Responses to So I’m smug

  1. Rupert says:

    Much better… and making me feel increasingly guilty that I haven’t bothered to do anything similar.

    But — what happened to the comments with archived entries? And why can’t I resize this comment entry window to remove the scroll bars and stop the editing area jumping around like a typewriter platten when I reach the end of lines?


  2. Andrew says:

    Just checking: it works fine for me in Opera. The problem with the comments window not resizing seems to be specific to IE6. It won’t resize for me either there. I don’t know why. I haven’t touched the javascript. I’ll ask on the forums if I have a moment.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Does not resize in Mozilla.

    How rare: an Opera bigot. 🙂


  4. Andrew says:

    OK. I have fixed it now so that it doesn’t resize in Opera either; but at least it doesn’t resize from a usable default. This is all very odd.

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