I hate these things, but they are infesting the internet at the moment. Rupert sent me the atheists’ version.
Ponder Stibbins has a link to some physics lolcat slogans, I am disappointed that no one there had done the obvious lolkitten “I am in maybe ur box.” UPDATE: Rafe, in comments, points to the Schrödinger’s lolcat, which turns out to have been on Flickr all the time (or maybe not; how would I know?)
Geoffrey Chaucer, also, would fain have cheezburger.
Truly, the meme is “rampaging out of control”:http://kscakes.com/LolCats/Detail.aspx/i-iz-in-corduroi-deplorin-ur-vulgah/ and must be reined in.
You’re banned!
OK: unbanned, after a reader interceded on your behalf with “this picture”:http://kscakes.com/LolCats/Detail.aspx/phwooaar-darlin-its-teh-batz-bollox/ of Rupert contemplating his own column.
Never underestimate the web. I give you Schroedinger’s lolcat:
And, somewhat inevitably, I give you lolpr0n (or, perhaps, lolcatpr0n). http://www.fleshbot.com/photogallery/lolpr0n/1929658 – probably not terribly safe for work, and the rest of the gallery most certainly isn’t.