The Sunday Helmintholog

Is the Sunday Papers, or something like that: an assortment of short and mostly silly thoughts.

  1. Blondes have more fun, according to a couple of ["American researchers, who hypothesise":] that (1) Shy people get more drunk than less shy people, at least in social situations (2) Shyness correlates with blue eyes (3) drinking habits are to some degree socially learned, so that if you are the only moderately pissed person in a room full of howling drunks, you are likely to drink more yourself, in self-defence; and (4) blue-eyedness is more common in Northern Europe than in the south. QED. This apparently explains the state of the pavements in English provincial towns on a Saturday night.
    If you would rather have this mathematically, they provide equations:

Two points to notice about this research. It was published in a reputable journal – at least it is the product of The Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University; and the term they use for binge drinking is an acronym — EDSS . I feel a short article coming on.
# Mary Gauthier at the Roundhouse was a lot of fun in a very small room. Not the best gig I have ever been to, but a better performance than the last couple of albums because without so much weighty significance. Much quicker and lighter arrangements. She said, at one point, that she had thought, when she wrote it, that "I drink(Tragically flash-heavy site)": was the saddest song she had ever done, but everywhere she plays it people laugh. I certainly did. I mean, it is a good song, and very sad; but sad in the way that ends up laugh-out-loud funny. I think that a failure to understand this – a certain portentious significance – is the most interesting artistic failure of the "Americana" movement. She also had a very good second guitarist named Thomm Jutz playing with her.
# Typekey is hard to get working. It certainly isn’t letting people post directly, which is what I want, Presumably this is because I am running an installation of MT which is in bits nearly five years old, and has got very customised templates, so only a complete reinstall and piece by piece rebuild of the comment templates would have the right effect. I can think of better uses for two hours.
# A thought for Christmas, via The original sin between Adam and Eve was that they consumned each others own sexual fluids. The tree of the knowledge of good and bad was Adam’s penis. If you use a digital camera to take a picture of your erect penis on the side1 you see when looking down at it and put the picture into your computer you can fit an equilateral triangle around the head of it. This is the Christmas tree. I think this is the pure, distilled, essence of Usenet. (original, with much much more is ["here":])
# from the same sort of source, Charlie Stross has "some fantastic reader reviews": from Amazon. Of what could it be said and by whom that "I love classic novels. Some of my favorites: Gone with the wind/The catcher in the rye/Huck Finn/The Iliad..I adore Shakespeare… this book was B-O-R-I-N-G!!!2

2 Anna Karenina, by "A reader", who should, perhaps, have chosen a more credible pseudonym.

1 How dare you call this theory faith-based?

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