Sock Puppet with crozier

The front page of the Church of Nigeria’s offical website carries a news article an article (thanks) from a Nigerian Newspaper from which I excerpt the following passage:

Outside of the hallowed precincts of the Church and his Bishop’s Court, this “Lion” is self-effacing almost to the point of meekness; nevertheless, such is his aura and “presence”, that despite his elegantly casual way of dressing, especially when traveling in cognito, (in civilian mufti), no-one could fail to notice him when he passes by, or enters a room. And when he opens his mouth to speak, authority and command issue forth, to compel your attention. The magic is in his voice! His voice is a cross between a muffled trumpet sound and an Army commandant’s barking orders during parade. His English when he addresses an audience, is totally without Oxford accent affectation, yet it has the resonance and clarity of a bell. It is authoritative, yet pleasing and re-assuring. His assertions carry a note of finality –not unlike Pilate’s, “what I have written (spoken) I have written (spoken)” No listener is left in doubt, or wondering as to what is meant –he means what he says, and says what he means to say –without ambiguity. He has the spell-binding gift of the anointed, and leaves no one in doubt that he is the oracle of God, speaking the mind of Christ, especially in his prophetic pronouncements, based on the hidden truths of the Scriptures. You feel the Power in God’s Words, as they cascade and issue forth from the spiritual well-spring of his inner being.

Holy fucking sockpuppets, Batman! Who knew these things about Archbishop Akinola? Why don’t people say the same about Archbishop Rowan? Where can I get his book on humility?

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4 Responses to Sock Puppet with crozier

  1. rr says:

    Maybe because “Nigeria’s Guardian Newspaper”:, in which the article appeared, is more perceptive and better informed than its British counterpart. Unfortunately they don’t have archives so it is a blessing indeed that website you mention has “kept a copy for posterity”:

  2. Rupert says:

    The immediately preceding sentence is good, too: "Laudable as these accomplishments are, they still do not tell us much about the inner man behind the veil –the shepherd with the heart of a lion"

    Should archbishops be forced to wear a veil? And are xenotransplants kosher?


  3. Mrs Tilton says:

    Rupert, I should say that a lion-to-archbishop xenotransplant would most certainly be unkosher, lions being neither cloven-hooved nor cud-chewing. Better to go with the gazelle or antelope. But then I am not a posek, so you should not rely on my ruling; and in any event the number of archbishops bound to observe kashrut might be small.

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