Sock Puppet in a dog collar

This (via) is a completely wonderful story. In brief, the vicar of a very high Anglo-Catholic Church in Reading has been caught posting flattering anonymous reviews of his own sermons, dress sense, and singing voice on the Ship of Fools web site. To make the whole story more exquisite, he was caught after a member of his own congregation compained that the anonymous review was too flattering …

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2 Responses to Sock Puppet in a dog collar

  1. Robert Nowell says:

    Wonderful, and thank you for pointing me to it. What is it about Holy Trinity, Reading?

  2. Rupert says:

    What I want to know is – what are the correct vestments for a sock puppet for the 15th Sunday after Pentecost?

    I’d ask on the Ship of Fools, but…


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