Time on their hands

There are currently on Cafepress 2,030 different slogans, verbal and visual, commemorating the expulsion of Pluto from the register of planets. These are available on 35,100 products. The page I am looking at (thanks, Jeremy) claims to rank them by sales, though I can’t believe that the ones below about 100 have ever sold anything. What matters, though, is that the attempt was made. I don’t know why this one piece of frivolity strikes me as the the perfect summation of a society of abundant capitalism, where people no sooner think of a joke than they try to sell it. File under “Things for which Tim Berners Lee did not receive his knighthood”

Also: a completely mysterious ad on Craiglist. Someone in Venice, California, who wants to have a child by “A wealthy platonic friend” in London. What, in Venice, does “platonic” mean? What is supposed to be the attraction of this offer for the wealthy father?

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