nerdy help request

do any readers understand javascript? I have an irritating problem with the bookmarklet for Furl, which looks like a pretty useful service: it does two things that Opera’s notes don’t do — makes whole saved pages searchable, and makes them publicly accessible, so you can see what other people have bookmarked, if they choose. But (people with lives, move on. There’s nothing to see)…

I run Opera set to open new links aurtomatically in new tabs. This is invaluable when dong research, when I want all the trail open in tabs across the top of the screen. And when I do this, the furl bookmarklet doesn’t work properly because it opens a blank tab before trying to read the title and text from it. I look at the code and I don’t understand why. Prettied up, it looks like this:


I need to persuade it that the stuff represented by d.section and d.title should be dumped into the furlit window. How?

Not that this works perfectly whell when Opera resuses the old windows. But then my finger memory breaks for everything else.

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