I want a universe not parallel to this, please.

Can anyone please explain why an Amazon.com search on John M. Ford, (no link for obvious reasons) turns up a list headed by the 1535 Edition of John Calvin’s Insitututes of the Christian Religion? There will be no marks awarded for the answer “They both write historical fantasy”.

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4 Responses to I want a universe not parallel to this, please.

  1. I dunno, it seems to work now, both on Amazon UK and on the original.

    Amazon UK’s “Most Popular” box lists a bio of the Elizabethan John Ford, and both mix in some books about the movie director, but that’s to be expected.

  2. el Patron says:

    Ah. You’re right. It’s gone away now. The default sort, “by featured items”, may have had something to do with it. It is an extraordinary comment on American culture that the one-volume Institutes in paperback should be at 12,928 in the Amazon sales ranking. (the_Selfish Gene_ is at 1,176).

    Do you publish Ford over here? I’d love to review his next book.

  3. Send me your ship-to address and I’ll send you a bound galley of Heat of Fusion, his impending story collection.

  4. Send me your ship-to address and I’ll send you a bound galley of Heat of Fusion, his impending story collection.

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