I have been fiddling with the style sheet for most of today. The results should be hardly noticeable, but if all the stuff in the right-hand column now is too large, tell me, and I’ll try and work out why.
OK. this is strange. Looking at the site in the browsercam I find that the proper, new style sheet shows up in the last 24 shots it took: IE 5, 5.5 and 6; Safari, Netscape 7, AOL 7, and Mozilla 1.3.
The proper style, with a green border round the stuff about me, also shows up in NS 4.7, but there superimposed on the main text in the left-hand column. But the site is designed to look dreadful in NS 4 anyway. You can’t do proper CSS and have it work there.
On the other hand, the first twelve shots that browsercam took, no matter how often I refresh them, show up the old, wrong style, as does Opera 7.1, in which I’m writing this. I can’t believe that Konqueror, for example, can’t read a style sheet properly. I think there must be some caching going on — but I can’t for the life of me work out where. It’s probably one of those mysteries that will clear up in the morning.
IE 4 on windows 98 just gives a page not found error with browsercam. That’s truly strange.
The titles of recently posted items are perhaps out of scale with the rest of the page? Or maybe they are supposed to be that large.
What does browser look like that in? I’m getting the same effect with Opera 7.1 here, but not on the same page and style sheet off site. Also, switching the machine off overnight brought up the other styles on that side correctly. So I am bewildered.
It was IE5 on Mac OS X yesterday and it’s Safari today. The green tones beautifully with the book cover and the recent entries are in quite large type, but not as large (I think) as on IE… I’m mailing you a screenshot.