Improbable wealth

Three small items of financial news today. Someone made an offer onthe Japanese rights of the Worm Book. I accepted.

My friend Damian told me what he he’d got for three hours’ work writing about Rowan Williams for the Daily Mail last Wednesday afternoon. I’m not jealous, of course not. I have been paid the same rate by the same people. But it was almost exactly what the Japanese rights of the whole worm book fetched.

And I just found that someone on is selling a copy of my police book, written nearly twenty years ago, for $107.00.

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3 Responses to Improbable wealth

  1. Rupert says:

    You did see that Posy Simmonds cartoon on this very subject a few weeks ago, didn’t you?


  2. Andrew says:

    I can’t remember it But every Posypierces me to the heart with its truth, and the every first one in that series, about the woman trying to write in a farmhouse kitchen, is pinned to the door of my study, between casts of trilobites.

  3. Rupert says:

    You should check it out, mon. Has the floppy-haired Welsh author searching out his books online, getting more and more pleased as the older and more obscure stuff clocks up ever higher numbers…


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