the bastard!

My friend Angus just sent me an email explaining that he can’t come to the book party because his mother-in-law is ill. Fair enough. With the generosity of spirit that really distinguishes him, he adds:
On a brighter note: good to see the worm book both in the shops and getting reviewed. I hope it fulfils both your expectations and S&S’s.
So naturally, I rang up, and asked what reviews? where reviews? And he couldn’t remember. “It must have been the Guardian, or the Telegraph, because they’re the only papers that we get on Saturdays. I remember there was this picture of a beautiful blue worm.”
But it’s not in the Guardian And it’s not on the Telegraphs web site. And it’s not on anyone else’s web site.
Unlike every other author in the world, I do read my reviews, and I do care about them, and I want to know where this one is.
I hope this desire persists even after I’ve found it.
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2 Responses to the bastard!

  1. Oliver Morton says:

    Telegraph, saturday, arts and books, page 4
    By samantha weinberg, about 23 column inches, almost entirely about the story not the book, the reviewer positive and entranced in a workmanlike way.
    Near the end:
    “Brown — an award winning religious affairs journalist and the author of the darwin wars — is at his best when telling the human story behind teh scientific work. he describes with delight the care that went into producing issues of teh Worm Breeders gazaette, and marvels at the dedication that persuaded Bob Horwitz to spend 30 years looking at 22 cells in a worm’s vulva.
    “On the golden anniversary of Watson and Crick’s discovery, this is one of teh first of many books devoted to the genre. You might want to wait to sample the full panoply on offer. On teh other hand, as they say. it is the early bird that catches the worm.”



  2. Andrew says:

    Thanks. I found a copy later. It was very nice. I can, however, plead complete ignorance about the Watson/Crick angle. I had completely forgotten the significance of the date and had not intention of cashing in on it at all. I do hope no one hads told the publishers this.

    Apparently Steve Rose has done a review, though I don’t know where. Ugnadiar? I must ask him.

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