A subbing error

I posted a version of the Cannibal Blogger piece down the page a little, before sending it off to the Guardian. It got held up there by the spam filters — this seems to happen to my copy quite often — so I had to send another version with all the naughty words replaced by square-bracketed euphemisms. They all seemed clear enough to me, and all but one was obviously clear to the sub who did, however, let through the phrase “a copy of the [Mark Steyn] monologues”.

Oh shit. Still, a correction to that will look even more ridiculous than the one that Dan Dennett had printed.

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4 Responses to A subbing error

  1. David Weman says:

    That’s one for the ages. I’m sitting here laughing like an idiot.

  2. Well, I see they have indeed published the correction…

  3. acb says:

    what. Really?
    I missed it, since I was in Munich, though several people drew Private Eye to my attention.

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