American Literature (1)

The FWB and I have been watching the television mini-series of Lonesome Dove. This has had three consequences.

  1. I have ordered five McMurtry books from Abebooks. I have known, and loved, one of his early lnovels, All My friends are going to be strangers for a long time. But I had never made the effort for the cowboy stuff.
  2. I will try and profile him for the Gradniau
  3. The FWB has drawn up some life lessons.

(1) Men only ever have accidents with the pretty girls.
(2) Spells given to you by little old ladies showing you how to fly are frequently less powerful than gravity
(3) If your wife travels from Arkansas to Nebraska and then to certain death at the hands of the Sioux to get away from you…she may be trying to tell you something.
(4) Horses are waaay more important than names.
(5) Chasing buffalo is not always a brilliant idea.
(6) It’s okay to rustle horses as long as you’re rustling them off of someone who’s stolen them in the first place, but if anyone steals your stolen horses then you’d better go after them.
(7) Bank robbery is never a good idea.
(8) If your saloon doesn’t attract enough visitors, you don’t have enough whores.
(9) Pigs are amazingly hardy animals, and will often survive almost everyone else unless someone decides to eat them.
(10) Most importantly…always be polite and considerate to everyone you meet. Some people just can’t abide rude behaviour in a man.

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