More sherry, Vicar?

“I heard of this kind of thing in mortuary school” said the investigating detective. This is a completely pointless but strangely charming story of a woman who decided to help her alcoholic husband out after he became unable to drink.

So she gave him an enema with two bottles of sherry and later that night noticed that he was dead. She has been charged with murder — “We’re not talking about little bottles here: these were at least 1.5 liter bottles,” said Detective Robert Turner of the Lake Jackson police. (via)

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3 Responses to More sherry, Vicar?

  1. Rupert says:

    “Honestly, darling, not a drop has passed my lips…”


  2. acb says:

    so what is your excuse for “this?”:,39020691,39185937-4,00.htm You may shortly expect a horde of rutting teenagers to pay you a call. Some will be carrying chainsaws. Pray that it is into their hands you fall.

  3. Donna says:

    That is from the funny side of the Twilight Zone.

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