Sane, devout Americans wanted

Next month. I’m making an Analysis programme for Radio Four on the way that Americans tend to believe that history must have an architect or at least a meaning. This seemed more interesting to everyone that yet another go-around on ID, which is a subset of this whig interpretation of the universe.

The difficulty, of course, is to stop this coming over as yet another tour around the psyche of those wacky yet curiously unlovable people across the pond. I want to get over the immediate, allergic reaction that educated English people have when God comes into the conversation of an American. There are ways to fool the immune system. It’s all right if it’s set to music: no one minds Emmylou Harris. But we can’t have her. So I am trying to come up with thoughtful, fluent, sympathetic American voices who can get this kind of discussion past the listeners’ immune systems. Obviously,. I have my own list, and will be asking for suggestions privately. But if anyone has ideas here, please comment away.

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7 Responses to Sane, devout Americans wanted

  1. “AKMA”:, Anne Lamott, “Ira Glass”:, Barbara Kingsolver

  2. Molly Wolf says:

    I’m a Canadian-American, but I publish in the U.S. and I’m definitely both devout and sane. My stuff is quite good about getting past the allergic response. I’d be delighted to be interviewed. (For an author, which I am, all publicity is good.) Moreover, I can intelligently explore some of the theological nonsense being promulgated and I’m highly articulate.

  3. h. E. Baber says:

    Andrew, hit the Society of Christian Philosophers webpage at Any of the current or past officers listed would do fine–and of course all members, most of us American, are sane and devout. I can give details privately. You can contact Kelly Clark, at Calvin College, for addresses and emails of members–and there are about 1200 of us to choose from. BTW here’s the website for the the SCP conference we’re doing at my place this Feb:

  4. Mrs Tilton says:

    Fred Clark. On my blogroll under Slacktivist.

  5. acb says:

    Oliver: yes! silly me not to have thought of him…

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