Strictly for smartarses

The FWB has just sent me a bumper sticker, arising from her latin homework

Sic hoc adfixum in obice legere potes, et liberaliter educatus et nimis propinquus ades

In English — If you can read this you have been properly educated — and you’re much too close.

I think I will have to arrange for this on Cafepress.

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3 Responses to Strictly for smartarses

  1. Stephanus says:

    Smarta*r*ses with an r, surely? Very obscure word, obex — it apparently only appears four times in the corpus. You’d have to be very liberaliter educatus/a to recognise it.

  2. Stephanus says:

    Thank you. We have enough kowtowing to American imperialism in our politics without our journalists submitting to their dialect.

  3. RupertG says:

    Obex is also the OBject EXchange protocol, which is perhaps best thought of as binary over HTTP. Does ad hoc data exchange, most commonly between mobile devices. It may well live on your mobile phone, where it will do things like move pictures and music over Bluetooth.



    “Obex is a kind of dwarf Sumatran water buffalo…” )

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