The most perfect proof of God

This is from Anthony Kenny’s book The Unknown God, a collection of essays on the God of the philosophers:

Is the ontological argument valid? Professor Timothy Smiley of Cambridge once offered a succinct and trenchant argument in favour of its validity. Define the ontological argument, he said, as the best possible argument for the existence of God. Now clearly an argument for the existence of God which is valid is better than an argument for his existence which is invalid. Therefore the best possible argument for the existence of God is valid, and so the ontological argument is valid.
I shall not in this essay be concerned with the validity of the ontological argument: I doubt if I can offer, in brief compass, anything which would improve on Professor Smiley’s entertaining presentation.

Memo to self: must remember to use what is also the most donnish possible boast: “I doubt if I can offer, in brief compass, anything which would improve on Professor X’s entertaining presentation.”

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