Readers with a long memory for embarrassment will flinch at the words “Clark Cook County” — the Guardian’s attempt to swing the 2004 presidential election by organising a letter-writing campaign to a the voters of a marginal district of Ohio. It was a very interesting example of the way in which the British, even those who might have felt themselves anti-American, felt they had a stake in, or a — what was that phrase — “special relationship” — with the country. It was also a complete disaster, and an education in the capacity for abuse of American right-wingers.
So, should I write a piece urging our readers to another intervention in American politics? The prostitute who brought down Ted Haggard has found his business collapsed as a result. He is appealing for funds on Paypal. Should we not draw this to the attention of a philanthropic readership?
Only if you want paypal to terminate his account.
(Not seeing any WEV since 10/30. ?)
Cook County is the location of Chicago. The Grauniad sought to influence the voters of Clark County, Ohio.