Your very own CiF BINGO card

"Multiculturalism""Islamophobia""Tony B.liar""Don't feed the trolls""This comment has been removed..."
"Mods should die"Abusive first post by someone who has only read the headline"Oxbridge""Zanu Liebour""Why are we talking about this drivel when the planet's dying?"
"Identity politics""I thought this was a quality newspaper""Meerkat""Pipelineistan"Nostalgic reference to someone barred for infantile behaviour
"Why don't you go back to the Daily Mail site""A Bidisha moment""Tuscany""Ivory Tower""Did you get paid for that?"
"[woman contributor] is mad""NuLabour""Stalinist""You don't live in the real world""Comment is censored"

Print this out to play along at home!